Getting pre-approved for a loan is the first step in purchasing a home. Unless you have cash to purchase a home, I suggest speaking to a lender and getting pre-approved. Will you be purchasing a home with cash or do you already know who you will be using for a lender? If so, who will be working with? Please forward their company name, the contacts name, address, email address and phone number so that when we are ready to start looking at homes, I'll know exactly who I will need to contact when I am typing up the offer.
Don't worry, if you haven't gotten qualified yet, give one of my preferred lenders a call or apply online. It generally takes 15 minutes.
Kelly Hall
Lending Path Mortgage <- You can apply online!
919-337-6293 Mobile
Also please note that you can do more than 1 mortgage application at a time. Each application will not be a hard hit on your credit, only the first one in a 45 day window.
I hope this information is useful to you!
Also, here are a few links to search homes, learn about the role an agent can play in a transaction, as well as if you are ready to start the process, there's a buyer interview sheet for you to complete at your convenience! :)
I look forward to working with you!